NEW: Best Practices Guidelines, FAQs and Forms for Stage 2 Reopening of California

NEW: Best Practices Guidelines, FAQs and Forms for Stage 2 Reopening of California

May 2020

C.A.R. has developed new Best Practices Guidelines for Real Estate During COVID-19 in response to the COVID-19 Industry Guidance for Real Estate Transactions issued earlier this month by the California Departments of Public Health and Industrial Relations. The Industry Guidance document details physical distancing and cleaning/disinfecting practices REALTORS® must follow when showing properties as California enters stage 2 of reopening. Since the release of this document, C.A.R. has worked closely with these agencies to interpret and revise some of the restrictions in order to make them more manageable, while still focusing on the health and safety of our members, their clients and the community.
C.A.R.’s updated best practices guidelines are available here and will be available in zipForm® next week. We urge you to read these guidelines carefully and to implement them at all times when showing properties. Always defer to the rules governing your local area, as cities and counties may have more stringent restrictions on real estate activity.
To further clarify California’s Industry Guidance document, we also have released two new FAQs — one on showing properties, and the other on reopening offices — as well as a legal Quick Guide on Complying with Industry Guidance Showing Rules. We have also released a “Posted Rules for Entry” (C.A.R. Document PRE) you can use to comply with the guidance that all agents must post rules, complete with pictograms, outside a property that all viewing the property must agree to before entering. These resources will provide you with a blueprint for efficiently incorporating the Industry Guidance into your real estate practice.
And next week, keep an eye out for the following forms and resources in zipForm®:

  • Coronavirus Property Entry Advisory and Declaration - Visitor

  • Coronavirus Property Entry Advisory and Declaration - Seller

  • Coronavirus Lease/Rental Property Entry Advisory and Declaration

  • Listing Agreement Coronavirus Addendum or Amendment

  • Posted Rules for Entry

  • Best Practices Guidelines for Real Estate During COVID-19

Please continue to check this website regularly for the latest information on how best to navigate practicing real estate during these challenging times.