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S.M.A.R.T. Goals and SWOT Analysis

Goals are crucial for success in any kind of business. And it doesn’t always depend on how big your goals are. What is more important is how correct and well-planned they are. A goal without a plan and time frame is just a dream. 

The year 2021 is coming and you should try to plan the future year and set goals for it. 

In this article, we will talk about some SMART real estate goals for 2021. 

What are SMART Goals?

SMART is an acronym that stands for: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timebound. SMART goals help you to achieve success and decrease business risk. 

Specific – Specific goals are easy to understand. It also means that goals need to be more detailed and clear for every team member.

Measurable – Measurable goals help to monitor your progress. It gives you an idea of what should be improved in the future to achieve better results. 

Achievable – When you set a goal you should make sure that it’s achievable. Is it possible to complete your goal? In other words, your goals should be workable. 

Relevant – What is the reason you want to achieve your goals? You should think about every step you take in achieving your aim. Ask yourself if the changes you plan to make are relevant. 

Timebound – You should always set a date for your goals. When do you want to complete your goal? As we already mentioned, a goal without a timeframe is just a dream. 

Some SMART Goals for 2021

Improve Your Online Presence

The recent period showed us how important it is to be active online. Your success depends on how well planned your campaigns are in the virtual world. You should manage your social media and try different activities there. It’s very important to integrate your social media platforms with your website. Host virtual open houses and record online tours for your clients because virtual door knocking is becoming a thing of the future. 

Update Your Website

Have a quick look at your website as a user and ask yourself honestly, what would you like to be improved? Maybe you need to make it easy to navigate. Look at your portfolio. Do you think you should update it for the new year? Also, maybe you need more add-ons, or useful tools? 

Grow Your Network

Growing your network as an agent isn’t just a plan for 2021. You should always try to increase the number of professionals around you.Try to find new contacts. You can attend different events (online events), participate in online webinars and meet new people. 

Goals, especially SMART goals, help agents to better prepare for the future and most importantly, plan it.


The SWOT analysis is a structured planning method that evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a project or business venture.

A SWOT analysis involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project, and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective.

Strengths are the positive attributes, tangible and intangible, that are internal to your organization and within your control. When examining association strengths, consider the following:

  • What advantages does your organization have?

  • What do you do better than anyone else?

  • What unique or lowest-cost resources can you draw upon that others can't?

  • What do people in your market area see as your strengths?

  • What is your organization's unique selling position?

Weaknesses are within your control but detract from your competitive edge. When examining association weaknesses, consider the following:

  • What could you improve?

  • What should you avoid?

  • What are people in your market area likely to see as weaknesses?

  • What factors lose you sales (or members)?

Opportunities: Consider the external attractive factors that represent the reason for your business to exist and prosper. When examining association opportunities, consider the following:

  • What good opportunities can you spot?

  • What interesting trends are you aware of?

Useful opportunities can come from changes in:

  • technology

  • markets

  • government policy

  • social patterns

  • population profiles

  • lifestyles

Threats: What factors are a potential threat to your organization? When examining association threats, consider the following:

  • What obstacles do you face?

  • What are your competitors doing?

  • Are quality standards or specifications for your job, products, or services changing?

  • Is changing technology threatening your position?

  • Do you have bad debt or cash-flow problems?

  • Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business?

By identifying each significant factor and assigning it to one of the four categories, you can take an objective look at your organization. The SWOT analysis will be a useful tool in developing and confirming your goals and your marketing strategy.