If you believe in yourself, other people will believe in you as well. Having said that, when you are confident and excited about helping your client and when you strive to give them the best service possible, your client will notice this and then will trust you. To put it simply, your positive energy will be contagious and could generate trust between you and your client. A book to help you with positive thinking in a work environment is “The Energy Bus” by Jon Gordon.
Clients do not have as much knowledge as you about this industry. You will need to be able to explain paperwork and other details to your client in the buyer/selling process. Be patient. Be cool. And continue your education because no one wants and agent who KNOWS IT ALL! Use your IVAR community as well as all of the FREE seminars that are given by other companies.
Being professional doesn’t mean to just dress professional all the time. Customer service, adequate knowledge, and doing your job right are all fundamental for attaining professionalism. Your vocabulary, as well as your facial and body expressions, will need to be professional too.
Stand straight, make eye contact, and try to relax. Drop your shoulders and remember to breathe. If you’re not sure what to do with your hands, maybe carry a clipboard or some brochures with you.