Requested Documents
We will request documents only after you have (1) received a Loan Estimate and a Home Loan Toolkit, and (2) you have provided us with your verbal or written "intent to proceed" with the mortgage application. Before receiving the requested documents we may ask you to provide us with Information that will help us to evaluate your potential application for a mortgage loan.
The following documents may be requested to obtain new mortgage loan:
Past two (2) years W-2 statements
Pay Stubs covering the last (30) thirty days
Two most recent monthly bank statements
Most recent transaction summary of 401K, IRA, or Mutual Fund Accounts
Photocopies of any stocks or certificates of deposits
A letter of explanation for any known credit problems
If you are currently renting….either 12 months canceled rent checks or the name and address of your current landlord
Also, the following documentation is also generally required.
For a refinance:
A copy of the deed, and most recent tax bill
For a Purchase:
A signed purchase contract
Realtor contact information
Condo Association contact information.
For a VA Loan:
DD Form 214 (Long Form)
If you are divorced:
A fully executed divorce decree
If you are self employed, employed in sales, paid by commission, or own rental real estate:
Two (2) years signed personal tax returns - including all schedules
If self-employed through a corporation, last two years corporate returns as well as a year-to-date profit and loss statement and balance sheet
Different programs require varying amounts of documentation. The loan program you select may require more or less documentation.
Different programs require varying amounts of documentation. The loan program you select may require more or less documentation. Please contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation.